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5 Helpful Data Security Tips For Mobile Employees


5 data security tips for mobile employeesThe cost incurred for stolen records containing confidential and sensitive information has increased by more than nine percent this year, according to the 2014 Cost of Data Breach study conducted by Ponemon Institute of Michigan.

These data breaches have proven to be more expensive than those caused by criminal and malicious attacks. In fact, German and U.S. companies paid a very steep price at $215 and $246 for every compromised record, respectively. Read more about this story here.

This presents one glaring fact: When it comes to data security, most mobile devices used in a company setting are sitting ducks. With the use of employee-owned mobile devices becoming more prevalent in the workplace, IT experts and businesses find themselves struggling to keep their organization’s data secure.

Here are some tips on how companies can enhance the security of their mobile workforce:

Use a VPN

If an employee uses a corporate mobile device to access work email or business data while outside the office, require them to use a virtual private network (VPN) to connect. This is a secure connection through your company’s network, which safeguards all data coming in and out of the network. This is the safest solution when sending highly sensitive data. Click here for a 1-minute explanation of VPNs.

Regulate Installed Apps

A growing variant of malicious software abounds today that specifically targets mobile devices. There are many apps that initially start out perfectly legitimate then turn out to be vulnerable to hacking. The problem is, a user will not be able to detect if their mobile devices have been hacked as there is usually no real difference in the functionality.

Think Cloud

Cloud technology allows you to easily move data through an organized platform.  With a reputable cloud provider, existing IT infrastructures can be seamlessly integrated with cloud platforms so companies don’t have to revamp or replace their existing physical hardware. (This is Claris’ specialty.)

Lose It, Lock It, Wipe It

Install an application on all mobile devices that will allow you and your staff to lock and wipe data in case of loss, theft or employee termination. This will allow you to automatically wipe all photos, emails, contacts, user accounts and corporate information remotely in the event of a security breach or if an employee quits unexpectedly.

Protect Against Malware

Sadly, most people think malware is just a PC problem – this is certainly not the case. Cybercriminals hide behind malicious codes in mobile apps to steal information, reconfigure devices, track users, send content or carry out typical malware functions. There are Remote Access Trojan toolkits available to combat this problem, mostly for Android platforms.

So while the use of mobile devices in the workplace opens up great opportunities for enhancing communication and productivity, it also comes with risks that should be taken seriously. By anticipating security issues and taking a few simple measures, you can significantly improve the integrity of your sensitive company data without limiting your mobile employees’ ability to do their jobs.

Of course, Claris can help your business implement any of these simple steps. If you’d like more info about any of these things, click here to reach out to us.



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