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Endpoint Encryption: The cheap and easy way to avoid a data breach


endpoint encryptionWhich would you rather have: $50 or $1?

The question is as much a no-brainer to thieves and cybercriminals as it is to us, which is exactly why healthcare companies have a huge target on their backs. On average, a healthcare record is worth $50. A social security number is only worth $1. A recent study by Bitglass shows that breaches are happening a lot, and it’s mostly because of lost and stolen devices. Nearly 70% percent, in fact, of all breaches since 2010 were caused by lost or stolen devices. The study also shows that most healthcare companies aren’t taking the steps to secure their data.

The Bitglass study analyzed three years of breach records through the Department of Health and Human Services. What percentage of the time did Hackers contribute to healthcare breaches? Only 23%. Yes, the report said, “beware of hackers – but pay even closer attention to that employee packing up for the weekend, or taking his/her laptop out the door to his/her car.”

Endpoint Encryption

It is surprisingly simple to avoid this type of breach and the answer is “endpoint encryption.” An “endpoint” is a computer or mobile device that contains or has access to Personal Health Information (PHI). “Encryption” is the process of scrambling data so that only people with the proper “key” can unlock it. Endpoint encryption makes your devices worthless to thieves. To them, the patient data on your computer is non-existent. With endpoint encryption, you avoid being a statistic…not to mention all the fees, wasted time, forfeited patient trust, and overall hassle of reporting a breach.

Endpoint encryption is inexpensive, easy to install and, in light of this recent report, a no-brainer for healthcare companies.

Claris Networks can help. If you would like more information on endpoint encryption for your business, click here to reach out to us.

For more information on the Bitglass findings, click here to read the full report.

Source: SC Magazine


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