One of our most fun annual traditions here at Claris is the Awesome Halloween Costume Contest. This is just too much fun to not share. Actually, this is a small competition internally, so if you see a costume that you really like, just go to our Facebook page and “Like” it. The person with the most votes gets some great prizes.
Here they are!
Anna Davies – Miley Cyrus | Chad Andrews – Doe Dirt’s Ex Step Sister in Law | Chad Quesenberry – Convict with an Alabama Mudslide Mullet | Dave Sagraves – as Dan Thompson |
Jason Wood as “Robin, Boy Wonder!” | Jay Norris as “Uncle Jesse from Dukes of Hazzard” |
Josh Cantrell as “Duct Tape Dynasty” |
Justin Bryant as “The Mailman” |
Katie Smith as “Sad But Hopeful Cubs Fan” |
Larry Bodie as “Lumbergh from Office Space” (This outfit is particularly funny to us) |
Mark Flatford as “Evil Incarnate” (This one was particularly creepy to us) | Melissa Burch as “Rosie the Riveter” |
Neil Malcolm as “Crazy Price is Right Guy” |
Sam Kemp as “Waldo” |
Stefan Shurina as “All Right (Not Much Left)” |
Travis Evans as “Uber Nerd” |
Zac McKenna as “Zombie” |
(Of course, you could always check them out on Facebook…and Like our page while you’re at it.)
Click here to see them on Facebook, and have a happy, safe Halloween!
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